Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will decide our future!

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Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has already received a lot of buzz in the past decade, but it continues to be one of the new technology trends because its notable effects on how we live, work and play are only in the early stages. AI is already known for its superiority in image and speech recognition, navigation apps, smartphone personal assistants, ride-sharing apps and so much more.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a technological reality for businesses and organizations across industries. Even if its benefits may not be always easy to quantify, AI has proven itself capable of improving process efficiency, reducing human errors and labor, and extracting insights from big data.

In 2019, AI adoption among large companies has increased approximately 47% compared to 2018, according to the latest Artificial Intelligence Index report. AI has made its way into many enterprise applications, including customer relationship management software, recruiting services, workforce productivity, and resource planning tools.

According to the same report, global private AI investment exceeded $70 billion last year, highlighting the interest in AI software and startups. At the same time, AI and related subjects have attracted more university students around the world and made AI experts some of the most sought-after professionals in developed countries. On a smaller scale, AI has made it into many people’s lives in one form or another, even if its presence is not always recognized. To better understand the state of AI, let’s take a closer look at the role AI plays in business and in many people’s lives even as we speak.

Summary of the State of AI

1. AI-enhanced technologies and solutions are now more widely available than before across industries, though they are not necessarily cheap to implement.
2.  Voice-based assistants are at the forefront of the AI adoption process in industries as diverse as IT, automotive, and retail.
3.  Smaller-scale AI as seen in chatbots enables smaller brands to save resources and improve customer satisfaction.
4.  An increasing number of AI-enhanced tools are available as software-as-a-service (SaaS).
5.  Mobile devices and apps have become one of the easiest ways to deploy AI technologies across industries, whether it’s in the form of voice assistants, smart monitoring and control, personalized shopping experiences, or warehouse management apps.
6.  AI is present in intelligent applications, neuronal networks, AI platforms as a service, and AI cloud services.
7. Emerging AI technologies include augmented intelligence, which seeks to enhance human intelligence and edge AI, where AI algorithms are processed locally without the need for an internet connection (such as some forms of face recognition).
8. According to the Artificial Intelligence Index Report, AI computing power keeps doubling every 3.4 months.
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