Government Support in Education System Improvement.

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The leaders do not develop the country; rather, the leaders' mind set does. Recognizing that youth are the country's future and that only they can lead the country to greater heights, the Indian government is undoubtedly devoting significant resources to improving our educational system. While we all recognise the importance of education in shaping our lives, it has also been a major issue in our country. There are a number of questions that the Indian education system necessitates more government policies to address. We can't deny that the Indian government and institutions have been trying to change the current educational system. However, there are still a number of problems that need to be addressed.

The private school education system is not affordable to all. As a result, the government must grab power and eliminate rote learning from all levels of education. Schools should be motivated to implement conceptual learning, which avoids students to mug up what they are being taught. This will not only help students grasp the concepts better, but it will also help them retain and apply them more effectively.

Marks are now the most important factor in determining a child's future, and this is often passed on to students as a pressure. Students also underperform due to the burden of grades. Instead of concentrating on a three-hour test, the emphasis of assessment should be on a student's classroom engagement, assignments, communication and leadership skills, and extra-curricular activities.

We also need smart educators in today's fast-changing world. Not salaried people struggling to hang on to their mantle, but leaders, entrepreneurs in teaching roles. Teachers play the most important position in a school, so they should receive the best training possible.

For education, there should be a vast technological infrastructure. The obsolete models of brick-and-mortar schools and colleges must now be replaced by effective educational delivery systems capable of bringing the riches of human knowledge to the masses. Indian schools must accept technology and education with an open mind and spread it to students because it is there that their future lies.

We are still surviving in an educational environment where the science stream has overturned the stream hierarchy. Students are forced to become a computer that only studies high-profile topics, while subjects such as languages, communications, and the arts are seen as low-profile. Instead of making a distinction between subject, students should be encouraged to follow the subject that they enjoy.

We must recognise that one teaching approach would not benefit anyone in a class of many students. Some people can learn at a faster rate and others can learn at a slower rate. As a result, personalised learning is needed in this area. For this, we can use technology such as artificial intelligence and chatbots to assist teachers in providing meaningful education to students.

Education is not widely available in India, and reservation is a major problem. We must make the best education freely accessible so that reservation loses all sense if we are to emerge as a country founded on an information economy and powered by highly educated people.

Education isn't all about being a strong, wealthy individual. Humanism should be the focus. In addition, students must be taught in detail about life morals and instilled with humanistic ideals. They should be taught that life is about far more than money, and that success isn't measured in money. We will reach the standard of the best education system in the world if the Indian education system begins to take these points seriously.

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