Impact of COVID on education

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The COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a health crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in human history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 200 countries. Many nations have made the decision to shut down schools, colleges, and universities. This has resulted in significant changes in every aspect of our lives. Many families around the world are experiencing a major short-term disruption: home schooling is a huge shock to parents' productivity, as well as to children's social lives and learning.

On an untested and unparalleled scale, education is shifting online. Student tests are now going online, resulting in a lot of trial and error and confusion for those involved. Transitioning from conventional face-to-face learning to online learning can be a completely different experience for both learners and educators, which they must adjust to because there are few to no other options. Over numerous online outlets, the education system and educators have adopted “Online Education System in Emergency," and are forced to follow a system for which they are unprepared.

Students, parents, and educators around the world have felt the sudden ripple impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as schools have been closed to deal with the global pandemic. As states, frontline staff, and health officials do their best to contain the epidemic, educational systems strive to provide high-quality education to all students during these challenging times. Many students have experienced psychological and emotional distress at home space and have been unable to participate productively. The best online homeschooling methods are yet to be discovered.

The use of appropriate and applicable pedagogy for online education may be dependent on both educators' and learners' skills and exposure to information and communications technology.  The online classroom is a simple technique for providing learning materials before class, such as posts, pre-recorded videos, and YouTube links.

Going to school is the most effective public policy method for improving skills. Although school can be enjoyable and can improve social skills and knowledge, the primary economic benefit of being in school is that it improves a child's potential. Even a brief absence from school would have an effect on future ability development.

Along with that Accessibility, affordability, versatility, learning pedagogy, life-long learning, and educational policy are all problems with e-learning. Many of us face significant challenges in terms of maintaining a stable Internet link and gaining access to digital devices. Although many economically disadvantaged children are unable to afford online learning devices. Lack of parental guidance, especially for young learners, is another challenge, as both parents are working.

Many of these students are now taking online courses and spending more time on virtual platforms, putting them at risk of online exploitation. Children have been exposed to potentially harmful and violent content, as well as a higher risk of cyberbullying, as a result of increased and unstructured time spent on online learning.

More families are relying on technology and digital solutions to keep their children interested in learning, amused, and linked to the outside world as a result of school closures and strict containment steps, but not all children have the requisite information, skills, and tools to keep themselves safe online.

Families are integral to education and provide significant insights into a child's learning, so there will undoubtedly be some inspiring moments, some angry moments, some enjoyable moments, and some disappointed moments as a result of home schooling. The main issue here is the amount of time available to devote to teaching, as well as the parents' non-cognitive abilities, resources, and experience – it's difficult to help your child learn something that you don't understand yourself.

The closing of schools, colleges, and universities not only disrupts teaching for students all over the world; it also coincides with a critical assessment time, which has resulted in many exams being delayed or cancelled. However, the goal of exam is to provide families and teachers with knowledge about the child's development. The lack of this knowledge will cause long-term damage to the child by delaying the identification of both high ability and learning difficulties.

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