Post COVID difficulties in Education

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The pandemic has created awareness that the current lifestyle of our world is ineffective. Anyone who knows this has disintegrated a culture that crushes our beliefs about what is natural. Education is an important area where improvement is needed. The effects of the coronavirus and thereby its preventive measures, has upended the life of students, parents and teachers.

This situation found the time to reflect and the direction in which we would submit our efforts, given the time we've spent in lockdown and the findings of our sudden transition to online learning. This pandemic has forced all educational institutions around the world to introduce online teaching. Courses are delivered online, exams are delivered online, and assignments are provided via email. This is an excellent opportunity for countries like India to improve internet access in rural areas. The greatest advantage of such a system is education can become international.

The way curriculums are taught and the way students learn can change. Aspects of education that were once deemed basic can be updated to fit potential life skills to a large extent. Learning in schools would have a new objective, which would be a significant departure from today's information-focused education.


Fundamental systematic improvements in the curriculum will be made. Engineering and science degree programmes may include skill creation as part of the curriculum, so that Future entrepreneurs will be born as a result of this. It can be a way to combat youth unemployment and develop their business skills.


Despite the disturbance caused by the novel Coronavirus, significant improvements in education have occurred in our developing world. Despite this, there is still a long way to go in the direction we teach in the face of rapid innovation.

Learning is the process of gaining information, but it does not occur in older age structures that do not use the brain's full capacity. Will students be given an experience that affects their learning instead of being taught?

Higher education should be re-designed. It should be flexible, more innovative, more international but more locally connected and socially responsible, more collaborative and less risk-averse.

For students, online education does not imply a lack of laboratory experience. There may be centres set up around the country to help with skill growth. Institutes, schools, and universities could all be examples of these centres. In terms of study, it's more about teamwork rather than rivalry. Projects must be planned collaboratively in order for testing facilities to be shared.

Communication is the backbone of our interconnected lives, and technology is the engine that propels us forward. For education, this entails developing content and delivery networks that make full use of technology. Perhaps education will become more versatile and open, and we will not need the rigid frameworks that we currently need.

After the Covid 19, education will embrace scientific learnings and place a greater emphasis on problems that threaten our health, culture, life, and the environment.






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